Jd's Exceptions

Using strategy Design-Pattern

1. Proc

2. Using case

3. Example Code

Below code show cons when programmer use Inheritance.

class Character
protected :
    virtual void attack()
        printf("kick and punch");

class Knight : public Character
public :
    void attack() override
        printf("swing sword");

class Magician : public Character
public :
    void attack() override
        printf("fire fire-ball");

If Some Characters(Knight, Thief etc..) have same attack() method "kick and punch", you would copy Knight’s attack() method to other Character classes. Copy make overlapped and inflexible codes. And if you have to change “kick and punch” to "kick and kick", you would change all Characters that defined attack() method to “kick and punch”.

To solve this problem, use Strategy Design-Pattern.

class Behavior
    virtual void do() = 0;

class AttackBehavior : public Behavior
    void do() override
        printf("kick and punch");

class MagicBehavior : public Behavior
    void do() override
        printf("fire fire-ball");

class Character

protected :
    Behavior*    _behavior
    virtual ~Character();

    void attack()

class Knight : public Character
public :
        _behavior = new AttackBehavior();

class Magician : public Character
public :
        _behavior = new MagicBehavior();

If Some Characters(Knight, Thief etc..) have same attack() method "kick and punch", set '_behavior' to AttackBehavior. If you have to change method "kick and punch" to "kick and kick", just change AttackBehavior interface.